This weekend Mum and Dad's good friends Raffaella and Francesco came from Venice to see us. Mum has known Raffaella for 18 years.
They brought many amazing gifts, games such as Bata Waf and Oudordodo as well as chocolate and a HUGE wedge of parmesan!
We did a lot of things in a few days! We went to a very famous tapas bar called Quimet i Quimet,
we went on the telefrique to see the castle on Montjuic and see the view of Barcelona (Raffaella and Dad did NOT like looking down),
we bought cava from a famous place called Xampany,
we skipped along the Passeig de Gracia,
we ate at a restaurant at Barceloneta that Jean Paul Gaultier had also eaten at ( he drew a fish!) and ate 12 hour cooked cuttlefish,
and we ate special treats made in the convents and monasteries of Spain at Caelum in the Gothic quarter.
We really enjoyed our time with them, and wish they lived closer. We were sorry to say Ciao, but we will go to Venice soon!
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