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Friday, November 30, 2012

Ciao Italia!

It's time to start my blog again! My family and I are off to Italy on Monday for five weeks. We will be in Rome, Venice, Florence and Milan. We will have Christmas in Venice with our friends Raffaella and Francesco.

Some of the things I am excited about include: pasta, pizza, gelato, gondolas and...gelato!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait for your first blog from Rome/ Travel safely all of you , will be thinking of you all the time.
Love Granny and Grandpa

Phoebe Z said...

And I will miss you both! x

Grandma Chris said...

Hi Phoebe. I miss you already and you haven't left yet! Are you sure you don't want me to come and carry your bags? Look after Olympia andleo like you always do.
Ciao Bella
Love Grandma

Amy and Doug said...

Enjoy the gelati and Campari

Anonymous said...

Ahhh Phoebe! I know a good gelato store we will go to in Rome. Lucky we both like the same things! See you and your tribe soon. X aj

Anonymous said...

Wow Phoebe
You are going to have so much fun
We will all miss you so much
Can't wait to follow you in you adventures
Love Lou

Olivia Sattler said...

To Phoebe
Mum said that this is the last Christmas you are allowed to miss!!!😢
Love Lou ❤

bmaryd said...

Oh Phoebe - I am excited for you! When you see Aj, give her a big hug from ME.... she will be soooo much fun to be with. I'll be following your blog every day! Lots of love to you all. Mary xx